Lucy Melia
Personal Trainer & Coach
Born in Lancashire, Lucy moved to Cheshire in 2003 with her family.
From a young age Lucy has always had a passion for fitness, she was always playing or partaking in some form of sport either solo or as a team, achieving a high level within football, netball and rugby, she’s never one to shy away from getting involved in all sports and group activities.
Like us all, Lucy has experienced a few challenges around physical self-perception issues and body dysmorphia. Which resulted in a period of Anorexia and M.E. We are all very proud of Lucy who has overcome such a difficult eating disorder.
Through developing her knowledge of nutrition, a passion for fitness and a deeper emotional self-awareness she was able to overcome this personal challenge.
This experience has without a doubt helped her gain a deeper understanding of the eating problems many of us face on a daily basis. Lucy’s drive to support other through this has led her in to the industry as a Personal Trainer and Coach.
Philosophy on exercise and well being
Lucy is a compassionate, thoughtful and empathetic person who will always listen and will support & guide people to overcome any obstacles they may face, no matter how big or small.
Lucy is passionate about helping people achieve their goals whatever that may be. She believes self-care exercise and overall fitness should be enjoyable being both fun but effective.
- Focus Awards Level 3 Diploma Practitioner in Personal Training (RQF
- Focus Awards Level 2 Gym Instructing (RQF)
- Campus Body FX coach